Arizona Welding Co. LLC, Vic's Welding Co. LLC., Pressure Vessels AZ, Structural Steel, Stainless Steel Welders, Welders AZ, Certified Pipe, Miscellaneous Repairs, Water Treatment Piping, Natural Gas Piping, Chilled Water Piping, Petroleum Piping, Hot Tap, Aluminum Welding, Structural Steel Fabrication, Stainless Steel Fabricators, Arizona, Phoenix, Glendale

Open post Why Hiring Professional Welders is Crucial During Phoenix's Summer Heat

Why Hiring Professional Welders is Crucial During Phoenix’s Summer Heat

As the summer heat in Phoenix peaks, ensuring the safety and efficiency of welding projects becomes critical. The extreme temperatures pose significant risks, making it essential to hire experienced professionals. Here's why choosing Vic's Welding for your welding needs during the summer is the wisest decision you can make. Heat-Related Illness Prevention Welding in high...

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Open post Winter Welding Preparedness: Tips from Vic's Welding

Winter Welding Preparedness: Tips from Vic’s Welding

Winter welding can present unique challenges, but with the right knowledge and preparation, you can ensure that your projects run smoothly even in the coldest months. At Vic's Welding, we've been serving customers in Phoenix, Arizona, and the surrounding cities since 1996, and we understand the importance of staying well-prepared for winter welding. In this...

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Open post Emergency Welding Services: When You Need Them and Why

Emergency Welding Services: When You Need Them and Why

At Vic's Welding, we understand that welding emergencies can happen when you least expect them. Whether you're in Phoenix, Arizona, or surrounding cities, our team is here to provide you with top-notch emergency welding services. With over two decades of experience serving the Valley, we are your trusted partner when you need quick and reliable...

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Open post The Welding Industry and its Importance

The Welding Industry and its Importance

A wide range of products and infrastructures rely on welding, and it plays a crucial role in various aspects of our daily lives.  As a result of the welding industry, factories, power plants, vehicles, bridges, and pipelines are constructed. These essentials provide a multitude of families and companies with food, fuel, and other products. Companies,...

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Open post Pressure Vessels Modern Industries Essential Component

Pressure Vessels: Modern Industries Essential Component

Despite being common in modern society, pressure vessels are often overlooked by most people. On the other hand, industrial pressure vessels are vital for the efficient and continuous operation of industries and commercial establishments - affecting society directly both economically and physically. Vic's Welding Co., LLC. has helped numerous industries with their pressure vessel needs...

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Open post Why You Should Hire a Certified Welder

Why You Should Hire a Certified Welder

Both welding and metal fabrication is required on endless projects; which can range from equipment repair projects to major construction sites. With many resources around today, just a simple search for a DIY welding project isn’t too hard to find and may seem like the best choice at the time – we beg to differ....

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Open post Why You Should Consider Going into Welding

Why You Should Consider Going into Welding

Why You Should Consider Going into Welding With the construction and trade industry booming in Arizona, everyone is hiring. From steel fabrication, welding, to foreman’s on job sites positions need to filled. Why not consider a career in welding? Even when the construction boom slows down, welding companies will always have work. If you love...

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Open post Steel Fabrication and its Importance

Steel Fabrication and its Importance

What exactly is metal fabrication? On a larger scale, it is referencing any process that requires cutting, shaping or molding metal into a finalized product. This method of fabrication can be used for both custom and stock products to create a finished product that is coming from raw only semi-finished metal materials. Stock metals used...

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